Carl Crawford - 3/3
  1. Dialpad Training and Switch Over
  2. Dropbox and Slack Replacement
  3. Process Pull Request
  4. CX Coverage
  5. Clever Sync Time for Katy
Beth Vidrine - 2/24
  1. Gold Medal
  2. Marketing Items
  3. Cases
  4. Lead Flight Plan
  5. Site Analytics
Jyotirmaya Dehury - 3/3
  1. Study Guide Mark Up
  2. Student having two active class
  3. Unit Order Not Updated
Kevin Briley - 2/24
  1. Sweetheart & Pi campaigns
  2. Study Guide Markup
  3. New California IR
  4. Insurance Audits
  5. Taxes reviewed
Kayleigh Gray - 3/3
  1. marketing next steps
  2. register for wiscon
  3. demo w/ the lit. project
  4. 2 trials to get started
  5. tt f/u 2
Marjorie Briley - 3/3
  1. Proposals
  2. New Hire Rubrics
  3. Bids
  4. Linked In Outline
  5. Rep Newsletter
Nevedita Das - 2/24
  1. Handle empty Progress page
  2. Fix Quiz Page for K1 Student
  3. Move 'Show solution button'